teen spirit.
Ok quick update thing
Art in progress:
Another 3D Art Post (prob gonna be about The Flash S9 or Entropy Zero 1/2
Maybe a normal 2D Art Post
3D Printed Thingy Reveal
Games In Progress:
Kill Brung (hopefully will be done this year)
Saul Clicker v0.5 (going to be updated sometime)
Morbius: The Game (still on hiatus so I can work on other stuff)
Things I wanna make:
a DOOM like game using scratch's user made 3D engine (thanks griffinpatch)
Counter-Strike online game using the same 3D scratch engine (prob in the far future0
Better 3D Art, well better art in general
an animation post since the last one was a shitpost and got blammed
a full game made with either C++, Python, or HTML5 just for newgrounds and maybe replit
YOU VS SPHERE MAN 2!!!!1111!!!1
petscop game (prob gonna be shitty)
minigame colection of my old scratch games (i.e. small games I made back in around 2018-20219
Mooney Idle Update (Never!!!!!!!!!)